Karen Harmon is a Certified Enneagram Teacher and Enneagram in Business Coach. She has a Master’s in Education with 17 years of teaching experience and has studied, taught, and worked with the Enneagram for over a decade.

She specializes in helping individuals, executives, entrepreneurs, and teams understand their natural strengths, hidden challenges, and motivations so they can consciously create a life with a rich understanding of themselves and others. Through Karen's Enneagram-based coaching, her clients develop deeper self-awareness, making our world and theirs more compassionate, empathetic, and connected.

Karen coaches with empathy, warmth, and understanding to create a safe space for non-judgmental, confidential, curious exploration of each client's strengths, challenges, goals, objectives, and desires.

Karen Aerts Harmon

What others are saying…

  • “I have really enjoyed learning about the enneagram categories and how one’s ‘home’ on the chart may impact what drives them, and how they operate and communicate. I have found it immensely helpful.”

    Kelley Allesee, Real Estate Counsel

  • “The Enneagram typing and coaching really cleared up some things about myself and helped direct me to what I needed to concentrate on to grow. Incredible coaching, Karen!”

    Erin Chaves, Entrepreneur

My Enneagram Journey:

I was desperate to quit my career for 5 years.

Five years is a long time. Five years of wanting to make a change but being unable to take the step was stressful, heartbreaking, and frustrating.

After almost two decades as a teacher, I was burned out and unhappy. I wanted to leave teaching to be home with my two small children, Cara and Ollie, and while I knew I wanted this more than anything else, I couldn’t understand what was holding me back. 

How could I want something so deeply but feel completely paralyzed and powerless to make it happen? 

That’s when my frustration hit a tipping point, and I started to search for answers. I’d been familiar with the Enneagram, so I decided to dive in and see what I could learn about myself.

Working with the Enneagram felt like discovering my personal owner’s manual. It was like reading a how-to book about myself that showed me my strengths and challenges, the motivation for my actions, and the thoughts, habits, and patterns that unconsciously influenced and ruled my life. And it showed me a clear path for growth, all with an approach that felt authentic and informative, not critical.

I discovered WHY I felt so afraid. As an Enneagram Type Six, I learned that my core internal motivation is fear. Type Sixes, in order to minimize or control their fear, search for certainty and trust and avoid the worst-case scenarios from coming true. Fear, or avoiding what felt like fear, unconsciously drove me, my thoughts, actions, emotions, and beliefs.

This meant quitting my secure, predictable, safe, and certain career automatically triggered all the worst-case scenarios in my mind and stopped me in my tracks. 

But discovering that internal motivation gave me the power to change it.

In exploring my Enneagram type, I discovered and recognized things I didn’t know about myself. I became aware of thoughts and actions that I believed were helping me but were actually creating frustration and stress and holding me back. I understood my natural strengths and how to leverage them better. I improved my communication skills, reduced conflict and tension, worked with others more effectively and compassionately, and learned to give myself grace. 

What made all of this new knowledge so transformational was the ability to do something about it. And so, I quit my job, found and married the most amazing partner, transformed my parenting, and launched a coaching career I absolutely love. 

The Enneagram laid out a clear and practical path for my personal and professional growth and enabled me to take bold and courageous action, changing our lives for the better.

And it can do the same for you. 

Your deeper self-awareness will naturally grow you as a leader, partner, colleague, co-worker, parent, and friend. In the workplace, you’ll increase your work satisfaction, reduce conflicts and irritations, and improve relationships and communication with colleagues, clients, and bosses while modeling authentic, inspirational, and influential leadership.

With unique a focus on your internal motivation, the Enneagram is designed to help you become more consciously aware of why you do what you do and give you a path to experience radical, positive transformations in every aspect of your life.

And I’m here to help support you in your Enneagram journey, too.