Team and Group Coaching

Through our Enneagram-based, whole-team workshops and one-to-one coaching sessions, individuals and their teams develop a deeper understanding of themselves and each other. This unique, effective, and powerful approach excels team and group growth, connection, and cooperation.

Team members understand their Enneagram type, learn to know and leverage their strengths, recognize their challenges, and acknowledge and reduce the effects of those challenges - and they understand the same about their teammates.

When teammates know more about themselves and each other, they learn to communicate with clarity, mitigate conflict, create team cohesion, increase collaboration, and expand their skills in working with each other to be more efficient, productive, and satisfied at work.

An individualized approach to your team

  • Individual Coaching for Team Members

    Teams are a combination of individuals and our effective team coaching starts with each individual.

    Coaching sessions are designed to enable team members to:

    • Know their strengths and how to leverage them the best.

    • Know their blind spots, or challenges, and how to work through them effectively.

    • Create and define work goals with a clear path to achieve them.

    • Increase confidence and skills in leadership and management.

    • Understand how their Enneagram type impacts their communication, conflicts, and feedback skills personally and professionally.

    • Identify when unhelpful patterns, habits, or reactions emerge and how to overcome them with skill and confidence.

  • Team Workshop and Coaching

    When individuals combine their skills, knowledge, personalities, and types, they create a unique team with unique strengths and challenges.

    The group workshop is designed to help teams and individuals:

    • Understand their leadership strengths and their colleagues' strengths.

    • Understand how we overdo those strengths and what challenges and issues arise.

    • Have actionable steps for growth as a team.

    • Facilitate discussion among colleagues to problem-solve current issues in a safe environment.

    • Develop new communication and conflict resolution skills for dealing with teammates efficiently and effectively.

    • Reflect and share experiences for excelled personal development and group understanding.

    • Understand ethical ways to use the Enneagram for everyone's greater good.

  • "Thank you, Karen! Appreciate you leading the session and for sending the notes. Have already noticed everyone is a bit closer/more open since the session. We’re working on the right way to carry this forward now. Thank you for your help here!"

    Maria Arend, Customer Strategy Director | Office of the Customer Team at 84.51

  • “I have really enjoyed learning about the Enneagram categories and how one’s ‘home’ on the chart may impact what drives them, and how they operate and communicate. I have found it immensely helpful.”

    Kelley Allesee, Real Estate Counsel

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